
Squidoku puzzle description:

Test your brainpower with the latest and greatest logic puzzle from Crystal Squid Games! All you have to do is place the 9 numbers, letters, animals or gems in the grid so that there is only one of each in a single row, column, or 3x3 'cell'. How hard can that be, eh? With 3 new puzzles every day, and great features & graphics this game doesn't just tease the brain, it shows it who's the boss!

Squidoku instructions:

Complete the grid so that there is a unique tile in every row, column and grid! LEFT click a cell to place the tile in your hand SHIFT+LEFT click to toggle a note RIGHT click to toggle a note/remove all notes via the menu Keyboard shortcuts: 1-9 select tile SHIFT+1-9 show only that tile CTRL+1-9 toggle tile visibility You can save your game from the quit menu and carry on later if your brain gets strained!

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