Maxi Yahtzee

Maxi Yahtzee puzzle description:

Maxi Yahtzee is a turn-based dice game. The aims is to get the highest total points by scoring different categories.

Maxi Yahtzee instructions:

Maxi Yahtzee is a turn-based dice game. The aims is to get the highest total points by scoring different categories. First, you roll all 6 dice and decide to score a category or lock some of the dice and roll again. You get total 3 rolls for each turn. If you have not used all the rolls, the remaining rolls will be saved for the later turns. If you used all rolls, you must score one of the categories (even it is no point) The game ended when all the categories are scored.

2 Responses to “Maxi Yahtzee”

  1. Martha Says:

    My score for Maxi Yahtzee will not submit. Why not. This has happened several times in the last week. I just scored 667 and would like to have it recorded.

  2. admin Says:

    I try to submit and it works fine. May be this was an unknown bug.

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