Trap the Mouse Puzzle

Trap the Mouse Puzzle puzzle description:

Trap the mouse by using the pillars

Trap the Mouse Puzzle instructions:

Look for instructions of the Trap the Mouse Puzzle inside the game.

2 Responses to “Trap the Mouse Puzzle”

  1. ISB 2009 Aspirants - Page 484 Says:

    […] to keep ourselves busy for the next 2 hours(hoping this would be the end of the dooms period) Trap the Mouse Puzzle Flash Puzzle Game | Online Puzzles and Brain Teaser Games – Puzzle Sea – New, … trap the mouse and you will be rewarded well for reward just ask […]

  2. ISB 2009 Aspirants - Page 490 Says:

    […] 3rd position in this game …… so waiting for results can be "productive" after all 😛 Trap the Mouse Puzzle Flash Puzzle Game | Online Puzzles and Brain Teaser Games – Puzzle Sea – New, … "I love deadlines; I love the whooshing sound they make as they go by." – Douglas […]

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